A few months ago the most exciting email popped up in my inbox. I think i might have done a little squeak of excitement and maybe a bit of a happy dance too! The email was from the lovely Charlotte from
Simply Be asking if i wanted to be involved in a photo shoot along with a few other bloggers.
It didn't take me long to reply with a big fat yes! I honestly never thought anything like this could ever happen to me when i stated my blog 18 months ago. I couldn't wait to find out which other bloggers were going to be involved in the shoot so when Charlotte emailed to say that i would be joining
Allie and
Nancy on the shoot i was super excited. I already knew Betty, Rosie and Nancy so i was happy to have some familiar faces around me and meet new ones too.
Over the next few weeks i got more and more excited about the shoot, it was hard to keep it a secret as i was bursting with excitement but i managed to keep it to myself, so I'm sure i could now be trusted with national secrets right?!
Charlotte was so lovely throughout the whole process and made sure we were all organised and had everything that we needed for the day. The night before the shoot i met with Nancy in the hotel and we had a few drinks and a lovely chat, it was the first time i had spoken to Nancy apart from the few moments at Plus North when i told her how beautiful she looked, but it was like we had known each other for years. Later on we were joined by Rosie and before we knew it it was time to get some sleep.
The next morning we got up super early and headed over to Thornton Manor which was so beautiful it was like something from a postcard. I was up first for hair and make up, which was done by the lovely Paula. Paula did a fabulous job on my hair and make up and i really loved what she did, Paula was really nice to talk to as well and we shared our love of cats while she was adding rollers to my hair.
After hair and make up i got into my outfit which i really loved i don't think the
Simply Be team could have picked a more perfect dress for me. They did a great job of picking out outfits that were perfect for each of us and everyone looked amazing. I was first up to have my photos done and as i was walking down the stairs i started to get nervous, what if i did my crazy smile or even worse bitch face?! I didn't need to worry the photographer Evan Danks was great and put me at ease straight away. Here are a few shots of me from the day.

Once i had finished it gave me chance to relax and chat to the others while they had hair and make up done. Everyone looked amazing as I'm sure you will agree! The hair and make up from Sam and Paula was fabulous and everyone wore something that reflected them. One by one Rosie,Nancy,Allie and Betty went down to have their shoots, then it was time for the group shots.We all had a giggle in between and during some of the shots and i really had such a great time with the girls and the whole team involved.
I wish i could do it everyday, it was something that i can never forget and for that i am very thankful to Simply Be. Check out the
Simply Be website and
Facebook page and
blog for more pictures, where you can see everyone in their individual shots.
I want to say again a massive thank you to everyone involved and for
Simply Be for giving me the opportunity to be involved in such a fun and amazing day!