Thursday 14 June 2012

Plus North

So I'm aware I'm a little late to the party but if you haven't already then please buy your tickets to this event. It is going to be absolutely amazing it has been arranged by Becky from theramblingsofmrsbebe and Toni from theonlywayistoni, who are doing an amazing job, thank you ladies for all the effort you have gone to to make it a great day. I have been waiting to write the post till i found out if i was scheduled to work and I'm not so this post is born!
What is plus north ?
Its a plus size event being held on the 7th july in leeds, its a celebration of all things plus open to bloggers and the public.
Buy your tickets now i demand it!
There are going to be some great brands there including

This is not all of them and i suggest you get yourself over to the plus north website to check out all the details.
So ladies i'll see you there!


  1. Cannot wait for this! I will be there!

    1. yey come over and say hello if I don't spot you :) are you stopping over or do you live close by ? xx


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