Sunday 29 April 2012

31 day blogger challenge

I saw this today on selina's blog flying saucer click on the link to read all about it. I'm quite excited and hope that I can keep up and do them everyday it seems like a fun challenge.
The only rule is that you blog the first thing that comes into you head.
New May 31 Day FBloggers Challenge
1st. Your wardrobe
2nd. You have the most...
3rd. Something you're wearing for the first time
4th. Your favourite print
5th. Your best bargain
6th. Something out of your comfort zone but you love it
7th. A special occassion outfit
8th. Something you forget you have but love
9th. The item at the top of your wishlist
10th. Cute tights
11th. Your spring essential
12th. The outfit you've had the best times in
13th. Your lazy day at home with style (in front of your housemates/bf/visitor) outfit
14th. The item that was hardest to hunt down/buy
15th. Nail art/your favourite polish and your nail varnish collection
16th. A customised item
17th. Something you wear when it's sunny
18th. Your brightest lipstick
19th. An article of clothing/jewellery that instantly makes you feel great
20th. Shoes you love but hardly wear
21st. Something that is your favourite brand
22nd. A piece of clothing or jewelry that was a gift
23rd. Something from your favourite store
24th. The item that brings all the boys to the yard
25th. A totally YOU outfit
26th. What's in your bag
27th. Inspired by your style icon
28th. Something everyone has now
29th. Face of the day
30th. Pretty hair
31st. The thing you're obsessed with at the moment!
Is anyone else doing this?


  1. You have a very nice blog ♥
    I'm following now :)

    Greetings from Germany :D

  2. Thank you x following yours too but I don't speak German so I'll just look at the pictures :)

  3. Silly me just found the translate button! Yey now I can read too

  4. I have started so many of these and never manage to keep up with them :( Good Luck!!! :) x

  5. Thanks I hope I can carry in to the end but I can see some difficult ones xx

  6. I am going to try and do it... will see how long I last!

    1. Yey! Fingers crossed we both last the month xx


Thank you for any comments you make I appreciate and read everyone of them.